Mark Stopa Exposed

Mark Stopa Exposed

Mark Stopa Scams

Florida Attorney Todd Foster: Meet Fraudster Mark Stopa’s Fixer

Florida Attorney Todd Foster

Meet Florida Attorney Todd Foster! Foster Is Every Deep Pocketed Fraudster’s “Fixer.”  Have the cops arrested you for being a fraudster? Have they also raided your office? Are you an attorney or a scumbag disbarred attorney who’s afraid your arrest will disrupt your scam? Are you a scumbag HOA lawyer accused of fondling little boys? […]

Florida Attorney Todd Foster: Meet Fraudster Mark Stopa’s Fixer Read More »

Another Stopa Copycat Attorney Gets 14 Years For Racketeering

Stopa copycat lawyer

Another Stopa Copycat Was Disbarred And Was Sentenced to 14 Years in Federal Prison. Could This Be a Foreshadowing of Mark Stopa’s Future? There was another Stopa copycat lawyer preying on Florida. Fortunately, the feds busted this copycat of disbarred human jizz stain Mark Stopa. Copycat Fraudster Phillip Timothy Howard, 62, of Tallahassee, Florida, plead

Another Stopa Copycat Attorney Gets 14 Years For Racketeering Read More »

Accused Pedophile Robert Tankel Is Mark Stopa’s New BFF

Accused pedophile Robert Tankel

Meet Accused Pedophile Robert Tankel! He’s The Newest Scumbag Lawyer Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Meet accused pedophile Robert Tankel. He’s a prominent HOA lawyer and the newest scumbag lawyer of the Stopa-Federico crime family. Tankel has also recently become Mark Stopa’s BFF because he just helped Stopa steal over $2.4 million in the Bella

Accused Pedophile Robert Tankel Is Mark Stopa’s New BFF Read More »

Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth: Who Is Stopa’s New Patsy Lawyer?

Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth

Who Is Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth? Will The Florida Bar Investigate Deadbeat Miami Lawyer For Being Stopa’s New Patsy Lawyer? Who is Miami attorney Vestalia Aylsworth? Why is this down-on-her-luck Georgetown Law School Alumnus deadbeat palling around with a disbarred fraudster like Mark Stopa?  The Sad Life Story of Daddy’s Deadbeat Disappointment Our darling Georgetown alum’s

Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth: Who Is Stopa’s New Patsy Lawyer? Read More »

The Stupid Stopas: The Dumbest Crime Duo in American History

stupid stopas

The Stupid Stopas: Adrienne Federico and Mark Stopa are Hands Down THE DUMBEST Crime Duo in American History Who are the Stupid Stopas aka the Stopa Federico crime family? Well, for that, we must start at the beginning. Let’s start with Adrienne Federico. Federico is a radical militant feminist or as Rush Limbaugh used to

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Mark Stopa Prison Life: What Stopa Can Expect In Prison

Mark Stopa Prison Life

Mark Stopa Prison Life: What Stopa Can Expect Life In Prison To Be Like For 35-40 years Behind Bars.  Florida prisons are no joke. Mark Stopa prison life will be hard for him. Especially someone as arrogant and narcissistic as Stopa and he knows this. Why? His criminal defense lawyer, Todd Foster has already warned

Mark Stopa Prison Life: What Stopa Can Expect In Prison Read More »

Operation Lawless Lawyer Closes In On Mark Stopa

operation lawless lawyer

Operation Lawless Lawyer Is About To Bust Open The Stopa-Federico Crime Family’s $50 Million RICO Scheme Over a dozen bad actors and corrupt attorneys are about to be snagged in a years-long RICO investigation code-named “Operation Lawless Lawyer”. As a result, Federal and State Law enforcement are moving closer and closer to busting up the

Operation Lawless Lawyer Closes In On Mark Stopa Read More »

Mark Stopa Confessions: Did Stopa Admit To Ripping Off Clients?

Mark stopa Confessions

Mark Stopa Confessions: Acquires Audio Of Stopa Allegedly Bragging About Ripping Off Clients Mark Stopa confessions are as rare as sightings of the Loch Ness monster. So, when evidence of Stopa allegedly talking about his crimes presents itself you grab it. You also don’t let go.  And that’s what has acquired and we’re

Mark Stopa Confessions: Did Stopa Admit To Ripping Off Clients? Read More »

Conspiracy Theorist Mark Stopa Still Doesn’t Vote

Conspiracy Theorist Mark Stopa

Mentally Ill Professional Pro-Se Litigant And Con-Man Conspiracy Theorist Mark Stopa Still Doesn’t Vote  One thing you can say about professional pro-se litigant and angry Conspiracy Theorist Mark Stopa is that he’s constant. Yes, he spews the same mind-numbing bullshit over and over again ad nauseum. But, what makes it even more nauseating is that

Conspiracy Theorist Mark Stopa Still Doesn’t Vote Read More »

Mark Stopa Appears To Have Debilitating Mental Health Issues

Mark Stopa Appears To

Mark Stopa Appears to Have Debilitating Delusionary Sociopathic Schizophrenia with Involuntary Narcissistic Rage has reported for months on Mark Stopa appears to have severe mental illness. We reported how the Florida Supreme Court found Stopa mentally ill in 2014 and again during Stopa’s disbarment in 2018 and 2019. Court referee Judge Linda Allen found him

Mark Stopa Appears To Have Debilitating Mental Health Issues Read More »