Here We Go Again! Clueless Judge Michael Bateh Greenlights Another Mark Stopa Foreclosure Surplus Scam in Duval County In Case #: 23CC-14195
Clueless Judge Michael Bateh may be the judge for you if you are assisting a disbarred lawyer to bamboozle the court system in Duval County. If you answer yes to any of the following three questions, then he’s the clueless and corrupt judge you want on your case.
- Are you a broke attorney or bottom feeder real estate scammer?
- Do you buy at HOA auction foreclosures to skim equity by collecting illicit rents?
- Want an E-A-S-Y way to poach MILLIONS of dollars manipulating the court system?
Then all you need to do is copy disbarred attorney Mark Stopa. Also, hopping in bed with a clueless and corrupt Judge like Michael Bateh. doesn’t hurt either.
If you do these two simple things, you too can steal a fortune by filing frauds on the court and rip off hundreds of Duval County taxpayers.
Here is how the scam works…
The Mark Stopa Foreclosure Surplus Scam:
Step 1: Just steal the title to a home in Florida. Any home will do.
Step 2: Rent it out and hire a morally bankrupt attorney like Christopher Hixson. This former attorney from the now defunct Stopa Law Firm will obstruct the federally insured first mortgage from foreclosing. Why? So, you can skim hundreds of thousands of dollars in illicit rents over several years.
Step 3: When you run out of time and the first mortgage is close to foreclosing, hire another corrupt attorney like Vestalia Aylsworth. She will also record a phony 2nd mortgage debt against the property and file foreclosure against you.
Yes you heard that right. Create a fabricated mortgage debt and SUE YOURSELF in county court where the Judges like Michael Bateh are not very smart and easily fooled.
Step 4: Once the clueless Judge signs the foreclosure judgment. He will because most judges in Florida don’t read. The trap is then set. Now all you have to do is just sit back and wait for some novice auction bidder. He/she will overbid hundreds of thousands of dollars on your negative equity property so you collect a 6-figure surplus payday.
Mark Stopa Shows Crime REALLY DOES PAY!

Under Florida Law, a novice auction bidder who mistakenly overbids on a bogus debt creates a foreclosure SURPLUS which the property owner is entitled to collect in full despite the first mortgage being owed hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The best part is the county clerk and clueless Judge basically run the entire scam for you, from entering the fraudulent judgment to collecting (stealing) the money for you and wiring it directly to your bank account.
Even though this is a fraud on the court and some poor auction bidder will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars – it’s OK! Why be concerned about some stupid plebeian looking for a deal on a home. The Judges also don’t care. Law enforcement is also too busy. Therefore, you’ll NEVER get caught.
Clueless Judge Michael Bateh certainly doesn’t care about people getting ripped off!
Bateh was warned multiple times by whistleblowers about this case. Did he do anything about it? Absolutely not! He couldn’t be bothered with it.
Is he corrupt or just incompetent? It boils down to one or the other. He just signed the foreclosure order legitimizing a phony fabricated mortgage debt. Bateh’s ruling will lead to some novice auction bidder having hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from them by Mark Stopa.
Hey Bateh! How does it feel to be a co-conspirator in a Mark Stopa scam? It is now going on your judicial record for your re-election. Rest assured! Judge Bateh’s actions will be made public. The people Duval county will also learn what a corrupt judge he is!
Is Bateh is getting kickbacks from Mark Stopa? It’s obvious corrupt Judge Anthony Rondolino from Pinellas County is. If he is, expect us to expose it.
Absolutely amazing scam isn’t it?
You can thank Mark Stopa for perfecting this scam. He has been running it for years all across Florida. Nothing is ever done to stop Stopa despite judge and authorities being warned.
What an incredible scam for EVERYONE to start running in 2024.
Why rob a bank when you can just copy Mark Stopa to manipulate clueless Judges like Michael Bateh to enter foreclosure judgments on fabricated debt without ever reviewing the evidence.
Stopa doesn’t worry about getting caught. The corrupt judicial system under Ashley Moody won’t do a thing. She is too busy chasing solar panel scammers.
And if you do happen to get in a bit of trouble running your fraud on the court scam… the Mark Stopa fixer Todd Foster will be happy to help.
Is the Statewide Prosecutor terrified of Stopa? It appears they are. They just look the other way. The allow Mark Stopa rule over the courts.
Here is What a Mark Stopa Fraud on the Court Trap Looks Like

Click here to see what a Mark Stopa foreclosure surplus scam actually looks like. Especially after a clueless corrupt judge signs an order of foreclosure for a completely fabricated and phony debt.
Bateh’s ruling will also be the final obstacle the financial trap set by Mark Stopa. At trap that defrauds people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Auction buyers TRUST and rely on the Florida Court system. The court is supposed to ensure the foreclosure debt is VALID and NOT A SCAM.
Novice auction buyers TRUST THE SYSTEM!
Auction bidders would never dream that a corrupt or incompetent county Judge like Bateh would be a co-conspirator to a fraud on the court. They also would ignorant of the senior mortgage to Bank of America in the name of Ronald and Ellen Wallace could still possibly be outstanding over 11 years. Or, that after all this time, Mark Stopa’s Abpaymar LLC is stealing the title to 12755 Shinnecock Way.
On March 21, 2024 this foreclosure auction will go live. As a result, Mark Stopa will trap some unfortunate soul. A trap that will also cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars with all the money going to Mark Stopa and his corrupt co-conspirator mobster mom wife Adrienne Federico.
Why? You can blame Jud Bateh. Bateh ignored appeals from whistleblowers. Was Bateh too FAT and LAZY to inquire a bit further into this fraud on the court?
When corrupt fat-ass Bateh comes up for re-election in January 2025, we will be here watching with great interest.
Remember this clown because by his negligent action this day, he has created yet another Mark Stopa victim.
Also, Check Out More Stories About Criminal Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa:
Mark Stopa Dirty Secrets: What Mysteries Lie in Stopa’s Bar File?
Retired Corrupt Judge Anthony Rondolino Has Rekindled His Stopa Bromance
Does Mark Stopa Have Drug Addiction Issues?
Mark Stopa is Demanding Interpol Perform a Dragnet
Mark Stopa BFF Describes Dating Tween Black Boys
Florida Attorney Todd Foster: Meet Fraudster Mark Stopa’s Fixer
Florida AG Ashley Moody is AWOL on Mark Stopa Investigation
Accused Pedophile Robert Tankel is Mark Stopa’s New BFF
Mark Stopa is Mocking Florida AG Ashley Moody and FDLE
Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth: Who Is Stopa’s New Patsy Lawyer?
NEW MARK STOPA SCAM! Stopa’s New Scam In Duval County
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Mark Stopa Confessions: Did Stopa Admit To Ripping Off Clients?
Anonymous Is Watch The Mark Stopa Investigations With Great Interest
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Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity?
Fraudster Mark Stopa Admits To Being Under a RICO Investigation
Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down
Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
The SS Mark Stopa Is Sinking Fast!
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
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Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website
Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:

Over $60 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams. Click here to message the Office of Statewide Prosecutor Direct.
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on
Read More About Scumbag Mark Stopa On