Members Of The Florida Legislature Demanding Updates On The Mark Stopa Criminal Investigation From Florida AG Ashley Moody. Where Is She?

It appears Florida AG Ashley Moody has gone AWOL on the Mark Stopa criminal investigation.
So, where is Florida AG Ashley Moody? Where is Governor Ron DeSantis? Oh, yeah. They are touring Iowa in Brother Ron’s Travelling Salvation Show. They’re too busy spinning tales of bullshit to clueless Iowans about the magical land of Florida.
Would Iowans want to know how a disbarred lawyer and his crew of crooked lawyers are fleecing Floridians out of $60 million dollars a year in a massive real estate scam? A scam that is being done right under the nose of DeSantis and Ashley Moody?
Yes, Florida residents have gotten fleeced out of $60 million this year alone by a disbarred lawyer named Mark Stopa and his band of crooked lawyers
Now, the chorus of people are demanding answers from do-nothing Florida AG Ashley Moody. The Florida AG’s office and the FDLE have been criminally investigating Stopa for the 5 1/2 year. The chorus of angry victims has been growing daily.
Mark Stopa Victims Are Begging Their Elected Officials For Help!

Now, key members of the Florida legislature have began asking Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody for answers.
Members of the legislature have been receiving disturbing phone calls from constituents about being a victim of Mark Stopa and foreclosure equity scam. Constituents relay stories about being victims of Stopa’s foreclosure equity skimming scam on internet auction websites.
They want to know why the Office of the Statewide Prosecutor has done nothing to arrest or indict Stopa and his unethical lawyers after 5 1/2 years. Several law enforcement agencies hauled cargo vans full of evidence in the 2018 FDLE raid on Stopa’s former law firm. Now, state Representatives and Senators want answers. Why? Their constituents want answers on why Stopa is not being stopped.
Over the past year, influential state Representative Mike Caruso from Palm Beach County has written several inquiries to the Office of the Statewide Prosecutor requesting information about the Stopa investigation.
State Representative Peggy Gossett-Seidman from nearby Highland Beach has also sent several inquiries wanting an update on the Stopa criminal investigation.
Caruso and Gossett-Seidman both sit on the powerful bipartisan Joint Legislative Auditing Committee. Caruso is also the Alternating Chair of the Committee with Senator Jason W.B. Pizzo from Broward County.
The JLAC has the power to audit the government agencies. This also includes municipalities and other units of government that utilize Florida tax dollars. They also have the authority to audit the courts. Are you listening 6th Circuit?
Another half dozen members of the legislature have also sent inquiries to the Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. In addition, they are also demanding updates about the criminal investigation into Mark Stopa’s foreclosure equity skimming scams.
Are You A Victim Of Mark Stopa? Call Your Elected Officials And Have Them Put The Pressure On Florida AG Ashley Moody!
If you are a victim of Mark Stopa? Or did Stopa rip off a loved one? Call your Florida State Representative or State Senator and ask them to send an inquiry to Florida AG Ashley Moody and the Office of the Statewide Prosecutor on your behalf.
Also, if you don’t know who your state Representative or state Senator is, just click here to get in touch with your representative.
You can click here for your state Senator.
Remember, your elected officials work for you and next year is an election year! If they don’t respond to you in a timely manner or don’t respond to your email, you tell them that you will canvass your neighborhood for their opponent. Also, tell them that you will also encourage your neighbors to put up yard signs for their opponents.
You can also contact the Florida Office Of The Statewide Prosecutor here.
Also, Check Out More Stories About The Endeavors of the Stopa Crime Family:
Mark Stopa Is Mocking Florida AG Ashley Moody And FDLE
The Mark Stopa Investigations Are Being Watched By Anonymous
Sharon Stopa Once Had A Restraining Order Issued Against Her
Mark Stopa Appears To Have Debilitating Mental Health Issues
Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity?
Judge Michael Andrews Masculinity Questioned By Mark Stopa
Fraudster Mark Stopa Admits To Being Under a RICO Investigation
Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down
Is Gary Stopa Selling His Little Red Corvette to Pay Legal Bills?
Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa
Is Adrienne Federico is Eating Herself to Death Due to Stress?
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Is Gary Stopa the Real Ruler of the Stopa Crime Family?
Is Otis Elevator Salesman Kyle Stopa Part of the Stopa Crime Family?
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
The SS Mark Stopa Is Sinking Fast!
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
Scumbag Mark Stopa Busted Stealing From Elderly Clients
Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website
Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam in 2023:

Over $60 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family