A Former Mark Stopa Employee Has Come Forward To Talk About The Traumatizing FDLE Raid Of Stopa’s Law Firm

A former Mark Stopa employee has reached out to MarkStopaVictims.com. She gave us all the details of the August 2018 FDLE raid on Mark Stopa’s former law firm.
The former Mark Stopa employee also claims that FDLE has been in contact with her. She stated FDLE questioned her about certain details about the Stopa Law Firm prior to the raid.
The former employee asked us not to use her name out of fear of frivolous lawsuit reprisals from Mark Stopa.
If you are regular reader of this website, you know she has every right to fear for the safety of her and her children. Everyone knows Stopa is mentally unstable.
Former Pinellas Judge Linda Allan stated in her referee’s report from Stopa’s disbarment that Stopa is “mentally deficient.”
Miss X was so afraid of Mark Stopa and his constant threats of litigati0n, that she moved her family 1300 miles away. She wanted to start a new life in the mid-west.
Former Mark Stopa Employee Gives Details About The Harrowing Raid
“He is crazy and sues everyone.”
Miss X detailed how Mark Stopa is a crazy vexatious litigant and manipulates the court system to not only to steal and unjustly enrich himself, but to harm and harass anyone who speaks out against him.
Miss X says she was told the Florida AG and HUD-OIG have a rock solid case against Stopa. She said hundreds of witnesses have come forward to tell their horror stories about working with Stopa. She said investigators are close to indicting and arresting Stopa so she is happy this monster will finally see justice for all his crimes.

She also added that lawyers who once worked intimately with Stopa to help perpetrate all his scams are now lining up to testify against him.
Miss X says Stopa lost a lot of allies when he and Richard Mockler stiffed everyone out of their last paycheck after the traumatizing raid.
Heartless Stopa seemed more interested in saving his own ass and didn’t care about all the trauma he inflicted on his employees.
She also stated that a lot of former employees had to seek mental health counseling for PTSD after the raid.
Not once did Stopa check on their well-being.
Mark Stopa Scams Attorney Richard Mockler

Attorney Richard Mockler quietly bought Stopa’s practice and it’s 4,000 pending cases in July 2018.
Fraudster Stopa knew the firm was in trouble and that he was under criminal investigation. The Florida Bar was also investigating Stopa. Yet, it appears he intentionally neglected to tell Mockler about all this prior to the sale.
Mockler told the Tampa Bay Times:
At that point, there was no reason to think (the practice) wasn’t salvageable.
Mark Stopa’s law license was suspended two weeks after Mockler bought the firm. Three weeks after that, FDLE raided the office.
Consequently, Mockler had to contend with frozen bank accounts and attorneys jumping ship. After the FDLE raid, Bankruptcy was inevitable.
Mockler also told the Tampa Bay Times that taking over Stopa’s practice “has ruined my life.’’
What Stopa’s role in the office was after his suspension is unclear. Employees say they were unaware of the sale of the law firm to Mockler because Stopa appeared to be the one running the law firm. Was Stopa thumbing his nose to the Florida Bar by practicing law without a license?
The Day of the FDLE Raid

On the day of the raid, Miss X stated that Stopa had just finished his typical morning rant screaming at everyone when FDLE suddenly broke through the doors and swarmed the office before anyone could react.
She said within seconds FDLE agents with guns were hovering over employees at their cubicles. Like a coward, Stopa took off and ran into the bathroom to hide while FDLE made employees leave their personal belongings in their cubicles as they escorted them out of the building.
FDLE and Pinellas County Sheriffs escorted employees to the front of the building. Miss X states seeing the building surrounded by police cars and windowless plumbers vans was too much for some employees. Several employees began crying and having panic attacks in the parking lot as they got interviewed by FDLE agents.
As employees began to calm down, they realized Mark Stopa wasn’t among them. They began to anticipate that FDLE would be leading their mentally unhinged tyrannical boss out of the building in handcuffs. Unfortunately for society, it didn’t happen.
FDLE agents reportedly found Stopa hiding in a men’s room stall with his feet up on the toilet whimpering like a little baby. Agents surrounded the door and ordered Stopa to come out with his hands up.
Boxes of Illicit Rental Cash Skimmed from Client Homes

Once he was pulled out of hiding, Stopa then tried to force his way back into his office. However, he was stopped by armed FDLE and federal agents.
It seems Stopa was trying to get to the boxes and boxes of illicit rental cash skimmed from the hundreds of homes he stole from his own clients.
Investigators later reported Stopa skimmed over $5 Million in illicit rents on stolen client homes. Much of that appeared to be in the form of untraceable cash hidden in his office.
Armed investigators stopped Stopa from entering his office to grab the boxes of cash. One investigator was quoted by the Tampa Bay Times reporter on the scene Natalia Silver :
“He keeps wanting to go back there,” one agent told Silver. “He can’t.”
Stopa could do nothing but cry on his attorney’s lap in the corner of the hallway. He was also forced to watch law enforcement haul boxes and boxes of potential evidence against him out of the office.
Miss X recalled seeing law enforcement loading up vans and SUVs with nearly a hundred overflowing bankers boxes.
Investigators also reportedly seized the boxes of illicit rental cash skimmed from the hundreds of homes Mark Stopa had stolen from his own law clients.
After the raid, Miss X went into hiding and immediately relocated to undisclosed location 1300 miles away. She wanted to get as far away from Stopa and his psychotic craziness as she could.
Calm Before the Storm: The Florida AG is About To Indict And Arrest Mark Stopa

Miss X is not the first witness to confirm that Stopa is close to being indicted and arrested.
MarkStopaVictims.com is receiving all sorts of reports from former clients, associates and victims who have been interviewed by investigators.
They all confirm the hammer is going to drop on Stopa soon. Very soon.
We’re told multiple unmarked units are now shadowing Stopa’s every move to make sure he doesn’t leave the country.
Will Mark Stopa’s personal home he stole from Jayne Carusso at 7351 Sawgrass Point be the setting for the next FDLE raid?
Will Mark Stopa be paraded out of his own stolen home in handcuffs and buffalo bills thong underwear?
Seems very likely.
Stay tuned. MarkStopaVictims.com will be reporting.
Get the popcorn ready.
It is going to be a very HOT SUMMER FOR MARK STOPA!

Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:
Over $10 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Also, Check Out More Stories About Shit Bag Mark Stopa’s Equity Skimming:
Stopa Goomah Ashley Dixon Contacts MarkStopaVictims.com
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Mark Stopa Book People v Money Is A Colossal Flop
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams.
This Article Originally Appeared On MarkStopaVictims.com
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on MarkStopaExposed.com