Has Stopa Family Sith Lord Gary Stopa Retaken Control Of The Evil Stopa-Federico Crime Empire Because Of Mark Stopa’s Bubbling Incompetence

Has Stopa Family Sith Lord Gary Stopa had enough of his bumbling son Mark Stopa?
It appears Gary Stopa has now emerged out of the shadows to reclaim control of the Stopa-Federico Crime Family.
Word is his wannabe Darth Vader son Mark has completely FUBARed the Stopa crime family business. A pissed-off Gary Stopa aka Lord Sidious of the crime family, has come out of hiding to straighten things out.
Mark Stopa violated a few critical rules for the survival of any crime family. NEVER piss off judges. NEVER piss off law enforcement. But most importantly, NEVER draw the spotlight to your crimes.
In the past few years, Stopa has gotten Hunter Biden sloppy with his equity skimming and foreclosure surplus scams. However, unlike Stopa, Hunter Biden had an excuse. He was high on crack.
For the last six months, idiot Stopa has inexplicably filed Mark Stopa Victims articles in his frivolous pro se lawsuits.
In other words, Mark Stopa has been broadcasting his crimes to tens of thousands of new readers from the Florida legal community.
As a result, FDLE and the Florida Bar are wondering if Mark is actually trying to get caught.
This isn’t exactly something a dark Lord of the Sith would do. However, it’s something an idiot like Jar-Jar Binks would do. But then again, Mark Stopa isn’t exactly the brightest light saber in the Stopa family.
Is Mark Stopa Trying To Escape The Clutches Of His Evil Father?
Was Gary Stopa the dark lord that manipulated Mark Stopa into being so evil?
Is there now a disturbance in the dark side of the force?
Is Darth Mark now warring with Lord Gary for control of the Stopa Federico crime family?
Something is definitely up as Mark Stopa’s behavior is spiraling out of control.
A prominent childhood psychologist recently sent in several observations about Stopa to MarkStopaVictims.com with an assessment of Mark Stopa.
In her professional opinion, she believes the destructive, sociopathic behavior exhibited by Mark Stopa is symptomatic of severe child abuse.
Is Mark Stopa Repressing a Horrible Childhood Secret?
The psychologist observed Mark Stopa. She says he has all the telltale signs of a man who was severely abused as a little boy.
The trauma from the abuse caused a split in his personality creating multiple personalities. This is now know as Dissociative Identity Disorder.
She stated that people who have DID suffer from severe child abuse or sexual abuse. She also also stated he is now forever trapped in the mind of a tortured little boy pursued by demons he can’t get away from.
Could this be why Stopa has so many mental health issues? In her Referee’s report from Stopa’s disbarment, Judge Linda Allan listed several signs of Stopa being mentally deficient.
This could also explain why Stopa is obsessed with escapist male entertainment like Fantasy Football. The fantasy of big muscular men rolling around on the ground touching each other represents the masculine loving father figure he feels he never had as a child.
Mark Stopa Hints That He Was Victim Of Child Abuse
Stopa indicated in his own failed manifesto People v Money that he had a rough childhood. He also wrote how his parents Gary and Sharon Stopa “moved around a lot.”
Vagabonds Gary and Sharon didn’t settle into a home in Fort Myers until the summer before Mark’s senior year of high school in 1993.
Why did they move around a lot?
Were his parents also running real estate scams in the pre-Internet age and running from their victims and the law?
Did Gary have a substance abuse problem which prevented him from holding a job?
In his book, Stopa also hints that he was a victim of child abuse.
Is there more to that story which Mark Stopa was too embarrassed to share? Was it Gary and/or Sharon who abused him?
Mark Stopa is obviously repressing a horrible secret.
Did something happen while on a boy scout camping trip? Did Gary do something when he was high or drunk?
These very well may be the cause of his extreme anger, erratic behavior and unhinged criminal activity.
Everyone Is Laughing At Mark Stopa
Mark Stopa is a complete disgrace. His father is reportedly furious all the law school money went to waste with his disbarment.
The epic fall from grace of Mark Stopa is a story now being taught in law schools across the country. Law Professors are citing Mark Stopa’s turbulent career as a lesson to teach their future lawyer students that attorney crime truly does not pay.
Today, virtually every lawyer, Judge, and law enforcement official in Florida is reading MarkStopaVictims.com daily for much needed Mark Stopa comic relief.
The Florida legal community loves the articles. Apparently, judges and lawyers despise Mark Stopa. One court reporter said everyone is laughing at Mark Stopa now.
She said Stopa has zero respect from his former peers. They all despise him. She said that at virtually every hearing she attends now, the attorneys and even the judges joke about the latest article from MarkStopaVictims.com.
At one hearing, she witnessed a defense attorney and Judge reading MarkStopaVictims.com during a break. She said the judge was laughing so hard, she thought he was going to piss himself.
Stopa went from being the greatest foreclosure scam attorney to the biggest joke in the legal community.
Gary Stopa is also pissed off at his son. Word has it that FDLE is now investigating the elder Stopa is under investigation. He may be indicted as a co-conspirator in the Stopa Federico crime family.
Loser Mark Stopa got disbarred. Thus, he can’t represent his father. As a result, Gary Stopa may be forced to sell his prized corvette just to pay for an attorney.
Karma is a bitch isn’t it?
Check Out More Stories About Mark Stopa’s Equity Skimming:
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Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:
Over $10 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams.
This Article Originally Appeared On MarkStopaVictims.com
Check out more Mark Stopa stories at MarkStopaExposed.com