Mark Stopa Appears to Have Debilitating Delusionary Sociopathic Schizophrenia with Involuntary Narcissistic Rage has reported for months on Mark Stopa appears to have severe mental illness.
We reported how the Florida Supreme Court found Stopa mentally ill in 2014 and again during Stopa’s disbarment in 2018 and 2019. Court referee Judge Linda Allen found him to be mentally ill. has even reported how mentally ill Mark Stopa called for public executions of Bankers.
We reported how his neighbors, friends, and associates believe he is crazy. We have even reported how his own family his parents Gary and Sharon all think he is completely nuts.
A former close fantasy football friend has said Stopa’s mental illness has reached a whole new level. The source says Stopa is so toxic now, no one in the Fantasy Football community wants to be around him anymore.
Is Mark Stopa Mentally Ill?
Stopa’s erratic behavior is getting to the point where this is just very sad to watch. Mark Stopa very much needs serious psychiatric help. Is it time for the Baker Act? Seriously, love him or hate him (and we know there are thousands of people who hate him), he really does need help.
Stopa’s driving history with all the speeding tickets and accidents show a man melting down on the express train to the Twilight Zone of insanity.
He completely RAGES behind the wheel. Speeding in and out of traffic just like his former paralegal Amber Perera. Remember her? She killed a family of three leaving a drug-fueled sex party at his office.
It is only a matter of time before Stopa hurts or kills someone just like she did. Stopa should not be allowed to have a driver’s license.
All Aboard the Mark Stopa Crazy Train To the Twight Zone Of Nuttiness

Mark Stopa is spiraling into a Charlie Manson type existence. Just like Charlie, Stopa wrote a crazy manifesto (People v Money) and attempted to parlay the book into a movie and cult-like criminal movement.
The book bombed on amazon and his cult movement launched on YouTube flopped with only 55 followers. Apparently, Stopa’s followers didn’t believe him enough to drink the Kool-Aid.
Then just like Charles Manson, people literally started dropping dead around Mark Stopa. Attorney Steven Cozzi worked for Jake Blanchard. As you may recall Blanchard was one of the top Stopa Federico Crime Family Capos.
Rumor has it that FDLE visited Jake Blanchard to discuss his involvement with Stopa. Cozzi was all too eager to cooperate with investigators. He wanted to tell them everything he knew about Stopa’s scams.
Steven Cozzi Goes To The Bathroom And Never Comes Out
Several days later, Cozzi went to the bathroom and never came back.
It is theorized Stopa may have hired Dr. Kosowski as a hitman to silence Cozzi and to scare Blanchard from talking to FDLE about Stopa. Stopa knew Kosowski was in heated litigation with Cozzi. Kosowski and Stopa both wanted Cozzi silenced.
Dr. Kosowski was the perfect patsy for Stopa. It is believed Stopa hired Kosowski to kill Cozzi and dump his body in the Everglades. The Everglades has been the eternal resting place for snitches and men with big mouths. One theory suggests that Stopa met Dr. Kosowski in Miami and handed him a bag full of cash. Kosowski was later caught with the same bag of cash.
Authorities have been tracking Stopa’s time in the Miami area around the same time Cozzi disappeared. Authorities are continuing their investigation.
Segal & Schuh Give Stopa A “Job” As A “Paralegal” to Run His Fraud on the Court Scams
Stopa took a job as a “paralegal” working in the Law Office of Segal & Schuh after the Florida Supreme Court unceremoniously kicked Stopa out of the legal profession.
It was here that he recruited a cabal of corrupt attorneys including recently suspended lawyer Lee Segal to operate his multi-million dollar fraud on the court scheme to unjustly enrich himself.
As a narcissistic sociopath, Stopa was in his glory at Segal & Schuh. He could operate covertly as a “paralegal” while drafting briefs and providing direction to his proxy attorneys on how to file and argue the frauds on the court.
Consequently, it is estimated Stopa stole over $60 Million dollars through filing bogus frauds on the court.
He raked in over $30 Million alone on bogus default judgments against Deutsche Bank and another $20 Million against several other tier 1 federally insured mortgage lenders. Its also estimated he stole another $10 Million from all the equity skimming and foreclosure surplus frauds he committed during the covid lockdown years.
This is why the FDLE investigation is taking so long. There is just so much fraud. It is also why Stopa recently paid $100,000 retainer to elite criminal defense attorney Todd Foster to run interference and obstruct the investigation.
Lee Segal was recently clipped by authorities. Sources at the Florida Bar say Segal was let off easy in return for his testimony against Stopa.
Segal is now reportedly in hiding. He is terrified he will be “cozzied“ by Mark Stopa.
Is Adrienne the Diabolical Wiccan Source Feeding Stopa’s Madness?
Stopa’s former college drinking buddies say Adrienne is the cause of it all. They also say she is bat-shit crazy just like her husband. The only difference is she’s a lot more intelligent.
Stopa was socially awkward at Wake Forest and at UF law school as a result of his hermaphroditic penile agenesis.
As a result, most women would laugh when he pulled down his pants. However, that all of that changed when he met Adrienne. She was heading up a Wiccan Coven at the time. She reportedly put some type of spell on Stopa where he believed he had the full monty. He suddenly became completely obsessed with Adrienne. He followed her every command as if he was her cuckold little bitch.
Is Stopa’s Wife, Adrienne Scam-erico, The Real Mastermind Behind The Crimes?
Law enforcement reportedly has evidence she may be the real mastermind behind the Stopa-Federico Crime Family. She feigns ignorance as a stay at home soccer mom. However, in reality, she is running everything. All the money from Stopa’s crimes flow back to Adrienne. All the real estate holdings and assets are held in her maiden name. Adrienne has found the perfect cuckolded little patsy in Mark Stopa.
To keep him under her control, Adrienne employs severe MK Ultra Psychological Trauma by tapping into Stopa’s memories of being abused as a child.
His former fantasy football friends say Adrienne would constantly berate Stopa about his small package and Erectile Dysfunction. As a result, it drove him completely crazy. They say its why he won’t stop talking about it now.
Is Stopa Obsessed With Sexual Organs?
Adrienne has him under a wiccan demon spell. She has him programmed to constantly make a fool of himself so he forever remains her cuckold little bitch. In all of his frivolous court filings, Stopa continually mentions how he has a small penis.
Additionally, Judges are just at a complete loss for words when Stopa goes on a rant about how small his penis is and how he can’t pleasure his wife. Nobody really cares but Stopa feels compelled to always bring it up.
He is also obsessed with his daughter’s genitalia which is highly disturbing. He continually talks about it in his frivolous court filings. Judges and opposing counsel have reported this to authorities out of fear for his daughter’s safety living in the same home.
Stopa is also already known as “The Perv of Pinellas County” with his infamous drug fueled gay sex parties at his law firm but his obsession with his daughter’s genitalia is just horrific.
Sources say concerned people have referred Stopa’s behavior over to the Pinellas State Attorney Bruce Bartlett for further investigation.
Also, Check Out More Stories About The Mark Stopa Crime Family And Their Endeavors:
Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity?
Judge Michael Andrews Masculinity Questioned By Mark Stopa
Fraudster Mark Stopa Admits To Being Under a RICO Investigation
Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down
Is Gary Stopa Selling His Little Red Corvette to Pay Legal Bills?
Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa Merchandise Will Be Available Soon!
Is Adrienne Federico is Eating Herself to Death Due to Stress?
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Is Gary Stopa the Real Ruler of the Stopa Crime Family?
Florida Bar Ineptitude Allows Mark Stopa to Steal Millions
Is Otis Elevator Salesman Kyle Stopa Part of the Stopa Crime Family?
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
Mark Stopa Criminal Copycat Gets 9 Years in Prison
The SS Mark Stopa Is Sinking Fast!
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
Scumbag Mark Stopa Busted Stealing From Elderly Clients
Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website

Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:
Over $60 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.