Mark Stopa: Lord of the Scams! Stopa Is Seemingly Untouchable As He Is Allowed To Pillage And Financially Rapes Homeowners!

What kind of creature Mark Stopa: Lord of the Scams? He smiles, laughs, and portrays itself as upright and honest? Yet, by night plots to cheat, steal, defraud, and financially rape hard working people?
Mark Stopa is a financial terrorist and anti-Christ. A sociopathic monster who sold his soul for riches and power.
Stopa has a hardened heart that is dark and cold as ice. He brazenly steals hundreds of thousands of dollars from innocent senior citizens. He does it with a smirk and not a single shred of remorse.
Stopa is a destroyer of worlds. He robs innocents of the very last precious thing they hold dear…their home.
How many people will Stopa make homeless this Christmas season?
How many thousands of lives were completely destroyed during Stopa’s reign of terror all because this Gollum had to steal precious homes and skim the rents. Oh, let’s forget to purloin the equity?
Yes, this hideous creature named Stopa will soon be brought to Justice. It will spend the rest of it’s life in prison. But in the meantime, innocent people are continually harmed – all so authorities can further strengthen an already bulletproof case. Exposes Mark Stopa
Experts say did what Attorney General Ashley Moody was afraid to do. stood up against Stopa’s evil. We exposed all of his fraud on the court scams. The exposure was so effective that it literally put the Stopa Federico crime family out of business.
Segal & Schuh Law Group closed down. Jill Schuh ran for the hills taking a paralegal position in a no name law firm to hide. Lee Segal was suspended and promised a light sentence in return for his testimony against Stopa. Virtually every other crime family attorney has abandoned Stopa. Why? This is out of fear they will wind up on and lose their law license.
Stopa is desperate to get this website taken down. As as long as it remains up, it shows up at the top of page 1 of Google. As a result, no one will even talk to him or conspire with him to file more frauds on the court.
Mark Stopa and Adrienne Federico are extremely toxic. Their name are shit and no one wants to be associated with shit.
Rumor has it investigators have made offers to all the Stopa Federico crime family attorney co-conspirators and all have agreed to testify against Stopa.
All but two – Vestalia Aylsworth and Christopher Hixson. Why these two remain loyal to Stopa when he would throw them under the bus in an instant is unknown. Perhaps Stopa has some heavy “bob tankel” type pedo blackmail against them.
Are you a Floridian in need of HONEST legal representation? Take our advice and AVOID Vestalia Aylsworth and Chris Hixson like the plague. They are frauds and cannot be trusted.
Judges Across Florida Despise And Know All About Mark Stopa Lord Of The Scams
Every Judge in the middle district of Florida knows about all of Mark Stopa’s frauds. We have made sure of that. He isn’t fooling anyone.
Stopa’s shenanigans and bizarre courtroom antics are the biggest open secret in Florida. Even Judges in South Florida who never heard of Stopa before can’t believe the frauds he is being allowed to file on the court.
Even State lawmakers are now asking WTF? They want to know why it is taking so long to arrest this clown.
A retired federal prosecutor told that the investigation is moving slowly because the Feds are now involved. They say Stopa is the gift that keeps on giving because he just doesn’t stop. He said the feds will watch and wait for years. The IRS, HUD-OIG, and FHFA-OIG are all gathering evidence and building a bulletproof case.
They would were ready to make a move years ago. However, Stopa kept evolving into new scams right under their eyes. The investigation has now grown to include dozens of attorneys and even several past and present Pinellas judges.
A source close to the investigation said the evidence against Mark Stopa is ironclad. They also say that most of his organized crime family will be going to prison including his wife Adrienne Federico.
The losses to big banks are said to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars all because of Mark Stopa and his fraud on the court scams.
Mark Stopa and Adrienne Federico are in Panic This Christmas
Mark Stopa is in a panic. He knows what is coming and that his time is short.
It is why he hired elite criminal defense attorney Todd Foster to represent both himself and his co-conspirator wife Adrienne Federico. It is why they’re also now liquidating all of their real estate holdings and moving others into proxy trusts managed by corrupt crime family attorney Vestalia Aylsworth.
Stopa and Federico know what awaits them when authorities finally act. However, like the ticking of the clock in Edgar Allan Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart, it’s waiting that is driving them both insane.
The authorities have been on his ass. They have been watching and waiting. Investigators have also been biding their time and building their case.
Investigators say they were shocked at stupidity of Stopa and Federico as they continued to perpetrate new frauds on the court when they knew full well they were being watched.
One investigator said he believes Stopa is tired of being on the run and wants to get caught. He wants to end it all and go out in a blaze of glory but he is too much of a coward to do it himself.
But former associates say the stress is driving Mark Stopa to the breaking point where they believe he is going to finally snap and do something really stupid. Loves Exposing Mark Stopa: Lord Of The Scams exposes Mark Stopa’s crimes by creating edgy and informative articles. We also make fun of the perpetrators in a satirical kind of way.
However, in all seriousness, we do this for a very important reason. In the end, Mark Stopa’s scams have impacted thousands of people. People that have lost everything because of Mark Stopa.
It is our opinion that the state of Florida would have just swept all of Mark Stopa’s crimes under the rug if it was not for
The rumor is the original prosecutor assigned to the case was giving marching orders to use “covid” as a ruse to stall and delay the prosecution of Mark Stopa. Florida AG Ashley Moody hoped that it would all just go away.
It almost did. Stopa’s scams would have all gone away. However, Mark Stopa started new scams.
The $50 Million dollar shakedown of Deutsche Bank and and other Wall Street banks and the $10 Million+ foreclosure surplus scam.
Mark Stopa could be living the high life in some Caribbean island if he just stopped years ago. Thus, he may actually have had a future. However, like the psychotic sociopath he is, he kept pissing on prosecutors. As a result, he will bring down the thunder on him and his family and he will pay the price.
Moment of Silence for All of Mark Stopa’s Victims This Holiday Season
Let’s remember all of Mark Stopa’s victims this holiday season.
We will also do our best to honor them. How? We will keep exposing Mark Stopa’s crimes until he is taken out once and for all.
The many contributors to this website know how it feels. We are all victims of Mark Stopa. I myself lost $200,000 on one of his scams.
Are you a former client of Mark Stopa? Were you ripped off or lost your house? It is not too late to contact FDLE to file your claim and tell your story.
See the links below.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All.
We expect an EPIC New Year… stay tuned.
Also, Check Out More Stories About Criminal Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa:
Retired Corrupt Judge Anthony Rondolino Has Rekindled His Stopa Bromance
Does Mark Stopa Have Drug Addiction Issues?
Mark Stopa is Demanding Interpol Perform a Dragnet
Mark Stopa BFF Describes Dating Tween Black Boys
Florida Attorney Todd Foster: Meet Fraudster Mark Stopa’s Fixer
Another Stopa Copycat Attorney Gets 14 Years For Racketeering
Florida AG Ashley Moody is AWOL on Mark Stopa Investigation
Accused Pedophile Robert Tankel is Mark Stopa’s New BFF
Mark Stopa is Mocking Florida AG Ashley Moody and FDLE
Attorney Vestalia Aylsworth: Who Is Stopa’s New Patsy Lawyer?
NEW MARK STOPA SCAM! Stopa’s New Scam In Duval County
Operation Lawless Lawyer Closes In On Mark Stopa
Mark Stopa Confessions: Did Stopa Admit To Ripping Off Clients?
The The Hacker Group Anonymous IS Watching The Mark Stopa Investigations
Mark Stopa Appears To Have Debilitating Mental Health Issues
Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity?
Judge Michael Andrews Masculinity Questioned By Mark Stopa
Fraudster Mark Stopa Admits To Being Under a RICO Investigation
Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down
Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Is Gary Stopa the Real Ruler of the Stopa Crime Family?
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
The SS Mark Stopa Is Sinking Fast!
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
Scumbag Mark Stopa Busted Stealing From Elderly Clients
Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website
Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:

Over $60 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams. Click here to message the Office of Statewide Prosecutor Direct.
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on
Read More About Human Jizz Stain Mark Stopa On