NEW MARK STOPA SCAM ALERT! Stopa Shell Company And Alter Ego Abpaymar, LLC Just Filed A New Foreclosure Surplus Scam In Duval County!
NEW MARK STOPA SCAM! is issuing this urgent alert because Mark Stopa is back to his old con man tricks. With every law enforcement agency watching him, Stopa fired up his foreclosure surplus scam for the first time last month since it ground to a halt with the collapse of Segal & Schuh Law Group.
Seriously, how stupid can Stopa be? Are Mark Stopa and Adrienne Federico trying to get caught? Do they really want to spend the rest of their life in prison and have their son put in foster care?
Or are they just INCREDIBLY STUPID?
The new Mark Stopa scam shows Stopa is obviously defiant and at it again. Despite all the heat from law enforcement issuing subpoenas demanding documents from him and a posse of two-bit lawyers, Stopa doesn’t seem to care.
In spite of all of this, Stopa just brazenly filed his newest foreclosure surplus scam in Duval County.
It’s Case No. 23CC-14195 regarding a negative equity property he owns under his alter ego shell company ABPAYMAR LLC at 12755 Shinnecock Way, Jacksonville, FL
The property is worth about $575,000 and there is a first mortgage to Bank of America in foreclosure that goes back over 10 years with a current outstanding balance of over $700,000 due.
Bank of America filed foreclosure in 2016 in Duval Case #: 2016-CA-4608 and named Stopa’s Abpaymar, LLC as a defendant. Stopa-Federico crime family “Attorney” Chris Hixson is currently obstructing the federally insured mortgage lender from foreclosing. Stopa paid his buddy Hixson to tie up the foreclosure so Stopa can continue to skim the $2,400 a month in rent. Meanwhile, new Stopa capo, Vestalia Aylsworth is teeing up the surplus scam for the final grand finale payday.
New Mark Stopa Scam is another fraud-on-the-court equity skimming scam trying to steal a big surplus payday !!!!
Meet the New Darling of the Stopa Federico Crime Family: “Attorney” Vestalia Aylsworth

After the Covid-19 pandemic, the Florida Bar and FDLE began issuing subpoenas to Stopa-Federico crime family lawyers. As a result, all but Christopher Hixson ran far away from Stopa.
Consequently, he and Federico had to start searching for new patsy attorneys for their scams. Several months ago, Stopa and Federico recruited Miami lawyer Vestalia Aylsworth. Court filings in Miami show Aylsworth is broke and desperate. In other words, she’ll do anything for fast and easy money.
Vestalia Aylsworth Busted Milking Her Foreclosure To Live Rent Free
Aylsworth lost her ritzy Coconut Grove condo in 2021. Court documents show Aylsworth had not made a payment on the condo at 2951 S Bayshore Dr., Unit 910, Miami, FL since 2014 (See Miami-Case No. 2019CA-000763).
Court documents show Aylsworth was milking the foreclosure for as long as possible and was squatting in the condo rent free for over 7 years. The condo was eventually sold at a foreclosure sale in September 2021. This is about the time she started palling around with the Stopa-Federico crime family.
Aylsworth found herself living out of her car after her eviction before she eventually moved back in with her 76 year old mother in the hopes to quickly inherit her mother’s free and clear home once mom has an accident.
It is no surprise she is now working with Stopa. He looks for and the recruits down-on-their-luck attorneys like Aylsworth. Broke and desperate attorneys with hat in hand are more than willing to do anything to make big money. Yes, that includes even file frauds on the court.
Aylsworth is Stopa’s newest paid-proxy attorney darling. Sources in Christopher Hixson’s office where stopa has now set up shop say Aylsworth instantly fell in love with all of Stopa’s fraud on the court scams. She was very eager to jump in on the scam.
Georgetown Law School Graduate Vestalia Aylsworth Was Appalled By The Sloppy Work Of Previous Attorneys
She reportedly thought all of Stopa’s fraud on the court scams were “brilliant” and was appalled at the sloppy filings of Stopa’s previous bottom-feeding attorneys at Segal & Schuh.
Narcissistic egomaniac Stopa instantly fell in love with Aylsworth and even got a teenie weenie chub when she called him “brilliant”. As a result, he hired her on the spot.
Authorities have been tracking Stopa’s movements and noted that he has been frequenting the Miami area regularly. We now learn it wasn’t just to payoff hired Steven Cozzi hitman Dr. Kosowski. Stopa and Federico were having crime family meetings with Vestalia Aylsworth to totally reboot their fraud on the court scams.
FUFSC, LLC and FUROSE, LLC Are New Stopa Shell Companies

The first thing Aylsworth did was create two new alter ego shell companies for Stopa. These didn’t have any baggage. So there was no heat on them.
Consequently, Aylsworth formed FUFSC LLC and FUROSE LLC. When you lookup FUFSC LLC the manager is listed as FUROSE LLC. When you lookup FUROSE LLC, the manager is listed as FUFSC LLC. The LLCs are intentionally “loop managed” to hide the identity of the true owners. The true owners are Mark Stopa and Adrienne Federico.
Aylsworth is named as the authorized party for both LLCs. As a result, she is the one that does all the signing. Thus, acting as a proxy for Stopa and Federico.
The dumbest crime duo in American history feel so comfortable with Aylsworth at the wheel that they just deeded their long time family home in Manatee county over to FUFSC LLC under Aylsworth’s control.
Stopa And Federico Have Aylsworth Transfer Their Manatee Property To A Shell Company
Stopa and Federico purchased the family home at 3417 70th Glen E, Palmetto, FL in 2005. After he and Federico stole the Jayne Carusso home and moved into 7351 Sawgrass Point Dr, Pinellas Park, they paid off the Manatee mortgage with stolen client funds. Then began renting it out.
In March 2023, Stopa and Federico recorded a deed signing over control of their free & clear Manatee property to FUFSC LLC and Aylsworth. But, OOPS! The address listed on the deed is Mark Stopa’s office at 18167 Hwy 19N in Clearwater that he now shares with crooked lawyer Chris Hixson.
FUFSC LLC just like FUROSE LLC are both actually owned and controlled by Stopa. Aylsworth is just the paid proxy.
Investigators believe Stopa and Federico are gearing up for a fight with law enforcement and are moving their real estate assets around to protect their equity from forfeiture under RICO statutes.
The DUVAL County Foreclosure Surplus Scam Case #: 23CC-14195
Mark Stopa and Adrienne Federico purchased the 12755 Shinnecock Way home for $16,000 back in October 2012 through an HOA foreclosure auction, Duval Case # 2011CC-3014.
After kicking the geriatric owners Ronald and Ellen Wallace to the curb with only the clothes on their back, Stopa listed it for rent for $2,400 a month and has been skimming the rent equity ever since. They hired corrupt crime family attorney Chris Hixson to OBSTRUCT the federally insured mortgage lender for as long as possible so they could soak up the maximum rents possible.
Investigators say Stopa and Federico have been skimming $2,400 a month in rent for over 11 years with an estimated take of over $316,000 on the home.
The first mortgage lender, Bank of America is owed over $700,000 and is getting close to a foreclosure sale.
The property is only worth about $575,000 so Stopa and Federico activated Aylsworth to begin the foreclosure surplus scam so they could have one final grand finale payday before they lose the home to foreclosure.
Since his past “equitable lien” foreclosures were so sloppy, Aylsworth advised Stopa to now use a regular mortgage to pull off the scam.
On August 1, 2023 a “2nd mortgage” in the exact amount of $30,000 between Abpaymar LLC (Mark Stopa) and his alter ego Furose LLC (Mark Stopa) was recorded in OR Book 20762, Page 2229. The 2nd mortgage listed a maturity date of June 4, 2024. They intentionally kept the amount at $30,000 so they could file their fraud in county court where the judges are far less sophisticated.
It makes absolutely no sense why anyone would make a 2nd Mortgage on a foreclosure home with no equity. But hey, Stopa and Federico are the dumbest criminal duo in American history.
The Phony Fabricated Furose Note and Mortgage
On September 8, 2023, Vestalia Aylsworth filed foreclosure against Abpaymar LLC in Duval Case # 23CC-14195. The complaint alleges Mark Stopa “failed to pay the note when due and is in default”.
There is only one problem with the fraud on the court complaint. The recorded mortgage lists a maturity date of 1 year.
Aylsworth filed foreclosure after the first month citing Mark Stopa didn’t pay what was due which doesn’t make any sense but we guess its probably hard to keep everything logical when you’re lying all the time.
Also, if you look at the court docket, Mark Stopa was served on 9/22/2023 and he did NOT respond to the lawsuit. Therefore, a default was issued against Abpaymar LLC on 10/18/2023.
If you know Mark Stopa, you know this is absolutely unbelievable. Stopa is a highly litigious vexatious litigant. Thus, he would NEVER let someone file foreclosure against him without a years long fight.
Where’s Christopher Hixson?
Where is corrupt capo Chris Hixson to defend? He is defending the Bank of America mortgage foreclosure for Stopa. Why isn’t he also defending the Furose fabricated mortgage? Could it be because Hixson is in on the entire scam with Stopa and Aylsworth?
Aylsworth filed a motion for summary judgment on 10/20/2023 and there is a hearing to set a sale date on 12/19/2023. Stopa is nowhere to be found. He is SILENT on the entire lawsuit. Why? Because he wants to be foreclosed on. He is not answering or defending because STOPA IS SUING HIMSELF to create a fabricated foreclosure judgment. This way he can get the property to auction sale as quickly as possible.
Stopa needs to beat Bank of America to the auction block. But, why? So, he can trick an unsophisticated auction buyer in to overbidding on his bogus judgment. Thus, he pocket a massive surplus payday.
Stopa and Federico are excited about this new Duval scam. They expect to haul in a few hundred thousand dollars.
Where is Attorney General Ashley Moody on all of this?
Oh we’re glad you asked. She is on TV taking down big bad Solar Panel scammers selling high priced chinese equipment to woke covid-brain Floridians who are not smart enough to do the math and understand it is just cheaper to pay for regular electric service.
Meanwhile the Stopa Federico crime family continues to manipulate the court system to steal millions making a complete mockery of the entire legal system under Ashley Moody and short-round “I wear high heels” Desantis.
Investors beware in Duval county. Criminal sociopath Mark Stopa is on the loose and gunning for you all.
Maybe someone should warn Judge Michael Bateh about the new Mark Stopa Scam before it is too late… and maybe it’s time the Florida Bar does something to actually protect the public by suspending Aylsworth so she can’t file any further frauds on the court for Stopa.
Also, Check Out More Stories About The Endeavors of the Stupid Stopas:
Sharon Stopa Once Had A Restraining Order Issued Against Her
Mark Stopa Appears To Have Debilitating Mental Health Issues
Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity?
Judge Michael Andrews Masculinity Questioned By Mark Stopa
Fraudster Mark Stopa Admits To Being Under a RICO Investigation
Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down
Is Gary Stopa Selling His Little Red Corvette to Pay Legal Bills?
Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa
Is Adrienne Federico is Eating Herself to Death Due to Stress?
The Mark Stopa Disbarment: The Truth Vs. Mark Stopa
Is Gary Stopa the Real Ruler of the Stopa Crime Family?
Is Otis Elevator Salesman Kyle Stopa Part of the Stopa Crime Family?
Did Missing Steven Cozzi Know The Dirty Secrets Of Mark Stopa?
The SS Mark Stopa Is Sinking Fast!
How Florida Grinch Mark Stopa Stole a $2.1 Million Christmas
Whistleblowers Bust The Stopa-Federico Crime Family AGAIN!
Mobster Mom Adrienne Federico Busted In Another Scam
Scumbag Mark Stopa Busted Stealing From Elderly Clients
Mark Stopa Scam Alert: The Christopher Dennison Story
Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website
Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:

Over $60 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams.
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on
No More Tick Tock, You Dumbass Lying Thief.
You are now out of time.
Let the show begin