Is Crazy Mark Stopa Planning To File A Frivolous Pro-Se Lawsuit Against Pinellas County For Posting His Address?

In the not-so-distant future, you might see a picture of Vexatious Litigant crazy pro-se litigant Mark Stopa when you look up Florida Statute 68.093. FS 68.093 is Florida’s Vexatious Litigant Law.
Mark Stopa is a textbook definition of a Vexatious Litigant. Yet, the judges in the 6th Judicial Circuit refuse to declare Stopa vexatious. Why? Chief Judge Anthony “Woody” Rondolino is apparently protecting Mark Stopa.
The Florida Vexatious Litigant law was designed to STOP mentally ill sociopaths (like Mark Stopa). Crazy people who abuse and manipulate the Florida Court system to harm and harass others for monetary gain.
Prison inmates make up the majority of people who are declared vexatious litigants. Inmates who have nothing better to do than file endless pro se lawsuits seeking revenge on the people.
Crazy Pro-Se Litigant Mark Stopa Could Be Heading To Prison Soon
How ironic as our sources say prison is exactly where Mark Stopa is more than likely headed. Criminal lawyers say even if Stopa cooperates that he is still looking at 12-15 years in prison. They say Stopa would have to rat out key people.
Experts say that is only for the crime described in Dossier 1.0. These are only the crimes he committed against his own former legal clients. The crimes of Dossier 2.0 could send him away for more than double that time.
Mark Stopa knows he is under two criminal investigations. His entire crime family yacht is sinking and it’s members are abandoning him and ratting him out. He knows he is going down.
Is Crazy Pro-Se Litigant Mark Stopa Now Going to Sue the Pinellas Clerk for “Doxxing”?
Investigators waiting to see if Mark Stopa is going to file yet another ludicrous and frivolous Pro-Se lawsuit. Investigators believe crazy Mark Stopa will file suit against the Pinellas County Clerk for “doxxing”. The clerk has listed both his birth date and his home address on his public court filings.