Mark Stopa Dirty Secrets: What Mysteries Lie In Mark Stopa’s 35,000 Page Florida Bar Membership File? (Free Download)
What mysteries lie in the 35,000 pages of Mark Stopa’s juicy Florida Bar File?
The file is filled with lots of Mark Stopa Dirty Secrets. If you want them, just fill out a FOIA request to the Florida Bar. They are considered public records. You can also click on the links below or click here.
The file also shows that a lot of the claims Stopa made about his disbarment are bullshit. The bar file also includes his claims of victimhood in his book, People v. Money.
Mark Stopa claims he was victim of a conspiracy by judges and Wall Street to have him disbarred and to shut him up? Why? According to Stopa, it was because he was “Winning too much.”
Hence, the banking industry didn’t like it and they bribed judges to destroy him.
However, this conspiracy only exists in the voices Mark Stopa hears in his head. It is also not remotely true. It is a bullshit story created by Mark Stopa so he could play the victim card. But, for some reason people continue to buy into Stopa’s horse shit. Yes, this includes recently elected Pinellas County judges.
Most Florida lawyers maybe have one or two bar complaints in a 25-30 year career. Most of these complaints are from clients who didn’t win their cases or some other issue. As a result, the Florida Supreme Court or the Florida Bar will make the lawyer take a CLE class. In rare cases, give the lawyer public reprimand.
Click The Red Button To Read Mark Stopa’s Florida Bar Membership File:

50 Clients Filed Bar Complaints Against Mark Stopa Clients From 2013 to 2018.
However, the Florida Bar received 50 bar complaints from Stopa client-victims. However, this wasn’t during his entire legal career (2002-2018). These complaints were filed from 2013 until his suspension in 2018. That averages out to 10 bar complaints a year.
The vast majority of these clients alleged they paid Stopa tens of thousands of dollars and he did nothing. Some showed the Bar how Stopa purposely withheld settlement offers. Others allege Stopa stole their house out from under them using one of the LLCs owned by him or his wife, Adrienne Federico.
This is something that we have detailed extensively here on, All you have to do is peruse the 100+ articles. Or you can download Mark Stopa Crime Dossier 1.0 and Crime Dossier 2.0 to read for yourself.
It is also the reason Stopa’s law firm was raided in 2018 and why he is under multiple RICO investigations by FDLE. You can also read about that here on
Stopa Claims He Voluntarily Gave Up His Law License. This Is Not Entirely True
In 2018, Judge Linda Allan issued her scathing 60+ page referee’s report to the Florida Bar. Stopa found himself in deep in trouble. The walls of bullshit he had built around himself began collapsing on top of him.
So, what does a self-proclaimed GOAT lawyer do? First in his narcissistic rage, Stopa fired his lawyer, Scott Tozian. After all, Stopa considers himself a GOAT lawyer and thinks he can do a better job representing himself.
Soon after, the Florida Bar begins demanding a deposition from Stopa about his involvement in Abpaymar, LLC. Stopa being the loving husband that he claims to be in court documents, he tells Florida Bar investigators that Abpaymar is his wife’s business and was “just a client” and he has “nothing to do with it”.
So, the Florida Bar decides to call Stopa’s bluff. They inform him they are compelling Adrienne Federico to sit for a deposition. Now, Stopa is in bind because like him, Adrienne is also mentally unstable due to other health issues. Stopa realizes she could throw him under the bus and reveal all his deep dark fraud on the court secrets.
Stopa knew he could be facing prison time aside from being disbarred. So, what does a bottom feeding two-bit hustler lawyer do? He turned in his bar card and gave up like a bitch. Stopa agreed to let the Florida Supreme Court officially disbar him. In return, the Florida Bar agreed to drop their investigation and abandon plans to force Adrienne Federico to sit for a deposition.
Read all about it in Mark Stopa’s bar files. Provided courtesy of the Fearless and still unafraid to report the truth about criminal disbarred fraudster scammer Mark Stopa.
Click The Red Button To Read Mark Stopa’s Florida Bar Membership File:

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Ethical Misfit Mark Stopa Called Out By Legal Website
Let’s also take a moment of silence to remember the Mark Stopa Victims who lost millions to his scam over the last several months:

Over $60 Million STOLEN by Mark Stopa and the Federico Crime Family
This is just a small sample of victims. The Stopa-Federico Crime Family also has dozens of shell companies running the same scam in multiple counties throughout the State of Florida.
Are You A Victim Of One Of The Stopa-Federico Crime Family Real Estate Or Foreclosure Surplus Scams?
Are you a former Mark Stopa client who lost their home?
Click here to contact FDLE today if you are victim of Mark Stopa or have further details about his scams. Click here to message the Office of Statewide Prosecutor Direct.
You can also read more about Mark Stopa on
No More Tick Tock, You Dumbass Lying Thief.
You are now out of time.
Let the show begin
Read More About Scumbag Mark Stopa At