Mark Stopa Exposed

Mark Stopa Exposed

Mark Stopa Scams

Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity?

stopa law firm

Was the Mark Stopa Law Firm A House Of Fraud, Non-Stop Self-Indulgent Drug Use And Sexual Depravity? Mark Stopa found out the FDLE was criminally investigating him in the Spring of 2018. He knew a raid was coming. So, he figured he could quickly sell the Stopa Law Firm and its book of clients to […]

Was The Stopa Law Firm A House Of Sexual Depravity? Read More »

Judge Michael Andrews Masculinity Questioned By Mark Stopa

judge michael andrews

Mark Stopa Caught Showing Horrific Disrespect To 6th Circuit Judge Michael Andrews By Saying He Needs To “Grow A Pair!” Mark Stopa and his lunatic behavior are a gift that keeps on coming for us here at Why? He just doesn’t know when shut the fuck up. This time he exhibited horrifying disrespect by questioning

Judge Michael Andrews Masculinity Questioned By Mark Stopa Read More »

Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down

Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal

Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Stripped of His Law License for Perpetrating Multiple Frauds on the Court with Unindicted Fraudster And  Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa Tick Tock… the time is now. The dominoes are starting to fall as Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal is taken down. It appears its the beginning of the end for Mark Stopa.

Stopa Consigliere Lee Segal Taken Down Read More »

Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney

Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded

Emails Show Former 6th Circuit Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Mark Stopa To Rig Court Cases A MASSIVE MARK STOPA COLLUSION CORRUPTION SCANDAL is breaking in the 6th Judicial Circuit. Former Chief Judge Anthony Rondolino colluded with disbarred attorney Mark Stopa to help Stopa rig litigation Stopa is involved in as a

Judge Anthony Rondolino Colluded With Disbarred Attorney Read More » Merchandise Will Be Available Soon! merchandise

You Have Asked For Merchandise And We Are Going To Deliver. Products Coming Soon! readers love our artwork. They have been asking us how they can get their hands on some merchandise. So, your wish is our command. In the coming weeks will begin setting up an eCommerce store here on the Merchandise Will Be Available Soon! Read More »

Is Gary Stopa The Real Ruler Of The Stopa Crime Family?

Gary Stopa

Has Stopa Family Sith Lord Gary Stopa Retaken Control Of  The Evil Stopa-Federico Crime Empire Because Of Mark Stopa’s Bubbling Incompetence Has Stopa Family Sith Lord Gary Stopa had enough of his bumbling son Mark Stopa? It appears Gary Stopa has now emerged out of the shadows to reclaim control of the Stopa-Federico Crime Family.

Is Gary Stopa The Real Ruler Of The Stopa Crime Family? Read More »

Mark Stopa Will Have To Endure These 4 Realities In Prison

mark stopa will have

Mark Stopa Will Have To Endure These Four Realities Of Prison Life For An Expected 36+ Years If Convicted Of Multiple Counts Of Racketeering And Fraud Florida prisons are no joke. They are not like what they show on TV or in the movies. Mark Stopa will have to endure these realities of prison life

Mark Stopa Will Have To Endure These 4 Realities In Prison Read More »

Florida Bar Inaction Is Creating Mark Stopa Copycat Fraud

Florida Bar Inaction Is Creating A Breeding Ground Of Criminal Attorneys Pulling Mark Stopa CopyCat Scams Florida Bar inaction is making Florida a breeding ground for unscrupulous lawyers. The pandemic of criminal lawyers is at an all-time high and it’s only getting worse. Thousands of borderline “copycat” attorneys all over Florida are also paying very

Florida Bar Inaction Is Creating Mark Stopa Copycat Fraud Read More »

Frankenscam Monster Mark Stopa Is A Florida Nightmare

mark stopa frankenscam

The Florida Bar Created Frankenscam Monster Mark Stopa And Now He’s A Nightmare For FDLE as He Terrorizes Florida  The Florida Bar created a Frankenscam monster when they disbarred Mark Stopa in 2019. How exactly did they create this Frankenscam monster? They disbarred Stopa and then washed their hands of the problem. However, the Bar

Frankenscam Monster Mark Stopa Is A Florida Nightmare Read More »