Mark Stopa Exposed

Neighbors Say They Are Fed Up With Crazy Mark Stopa

Long-time residents in the exclusive Bayou Club Estates Golf Community say they are living in fear.  They say crazy Mark Stopa is a danger to their community and they want him gone.

Stopa had been separated from his wife and living alone at 9937 Sago Point Dr. in the same subdivision. However, in 2017, he lost that home to foreclosure for failing to pay the mortgage and was homeless. So he was forced to do a walk of shame with his tail between his legs back to Adrienne and live his life as a hobosexual.

Stopa now lives at the infamous 7351 Sawgrass Point Drive with his wife Adrienne Federico and their three children where sources say he now sleeps on the couch in his theater room which is an idolatrous shrine to the Buffalo Bills.

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